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The primary purpose of Healthy Facilities Institute (HFI) University (HFI-U) is to teach both Non-credentialed and Credentialed service and support staff employed in schools/colleges, senior care, hospitality, retail, and other fields, how to improve the environment of their facility in a way that makes them more valuable as employees and creates a bottom-line benefit to employers.

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What is the mission of HFI-U?
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What is your philosophy?
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What is the Learn-Do-Teach model & 1,000 Teachers goal?

Instructors will initially be Healthy Facilities Institute (HFI) or Indoor Wellness Council (IWC) Advisory Group members, Field Advisors, and persons associated with our healthy facility programs. We will also invite HFI-U students to teach. HFI-U will pay all its instructors an honorarium for each instruction module developed.

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Who are the instructors?

As stated, we believe when you teach once, you learn twice. That's why our Syllabus Framework is:


1. Introductory Info defines a common health hazard.

2. The Lesson explains the healthier alternative.

3. Results and Success Stories section chronicles how HFI-U students applied the learning via video, text, and audio (making the learners teachers and the teachers learners).​


Resources will include quizzes, exams, downloadable checklists, research papers, video, audio, and more.


Other materials will include case studies and field applications.

How is HFI-U funded?
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Winning Environments, LLC, parent company of HFI-U, has an active client base, and will redirect a percentage of annual revenues to provide initial funding for HFI-U.  Also, on a case-by-case basis, HFI-U will accept seed investments from carefully screened sources to further the school’s expansion and outreach without biasing instruction. Sponsors will be recognized on all course materials.

We believe teaching others how to achieve healthy facilities is a process that is definable through systematic coursework, and can be grassroots-driven involving both experts and students as teachers.

We also believe in blended learning that combines asynchronous online learning with classroom learning (virtual or face-to-face). It is the best of both worlds and enables students to learn at their own pace, plus interact with live instructors and their peers via virtual or face-to-face sessions. HFI-U respects the value of modern electronic and interactive tools plus the time-tested importance of personal real-time mentoring.

We believe when you teach once, you learn twice, and that learners should be teachers, and teachers should be learners.


Dr. Stephen R. Covey in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People said it best:


"In effective Human Resource Development programs, the learner is responsible for the learning; the instructor and institution are seen as helpful resources; the training is learner-controlled rather than system-controlled, meaning the learner can go at his or her own pace and choose the methods for meeting the mutually agreeable objectives; the learner is required to teach what is learned, as teaching the material to a third party greatly reinforces commitment while improving retention; and there is a close correlation between the goals of the training program and the career plans of each individual..."


"The following development process should be an integral part of any ongoing training program: First, capture the content of the material, the essence of what is presented—seeking first to understand the basic principles. Second, expand on what you have learned with others to increase understanding, to create a common vocabulary for change, and to unlock the perceptions that others have of you. Third, teach the material—sharing what you have learned with others to increase understanding, to create a common vocabulary for change, and to unlock the perceptions that others have of you. Fourth, apply the principles—putting them to the test in your immediate circumstances. And fifth, monitor the results..."


"Recognize and take time to teach. With differences come supreme teaching moments. But there’s a time to teach and a time not to teach. It’s time to teach when: 1) people are not threatened (efforts to teach when people feel threatened will only increase resentment, so wait for or create a new situation in which the person feels more secure and receptive); 2) you’re not angry or frustrated, when you have feelings of affection, respect, and inward security; and 3) when the other person needs help and support (to rush in with success formulas when someone is emotionally low or fatigued or under a lot of pressure is comparable to trying to teach a drowning man to swim). Remember: We are teaching one thing or another all of the time, because we are constantly radiating what we are."

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